I did a quick search on the net, and found a mini mare that had had twins:
Last Saturday evening we went out to the
shed to check our last two mares to foal. Here
was an unbelievable shocking surprise.... There stands two little colored foals both cuddled up to
our old black and white mare Spitfire. Couldn"t
be.. Checked on Starsplash (the other mare),
no..still big as a house and no baby. We couldn"t stop looking at them. Both had enough legs, heads
looked good, walking baby steps but quite well.
We stood in awe as we watched them nurse.
They didn"t seem to find it that difficult. One was
quite a bit bigger than the other at birth.
Then came the WHAT IF'S
What if she doesn"t have enough milk.
What if she rejects one
What if there are physical defects in them.
The only solution was one day at a time.
Mom (Canada West Spitfire)AMHR 37"
Dad (Pearl Creeks A Tres Too White)35"Tracy
Grandsire (LTDS Two-Tone Trigger)
Spitfire is a 17 year old mare that has been
sadly abused in her younger years. She is
a super mom but will not allow us to touch
her babies or herself. She has been with us for
seven years and has given us a baby every year.
Her foals are sweet and gentle and I have kept
two previous fillys for replacement mares.
She is absolutely a marvelous broodmare and
will live out her wild little mustang life on our ranch.
BACK TO THE BABIES. They are doing just
fine. The smaller one is catching up to the larger one in size. They eat, sleep, play, act goofy and worry their mother a lot because two are hard to
keep under your thumb....
We feel totally blessed to have these precious
little fillys. We named them........
Flames of Hope and Charity of Fire
Hope is the larger one and Charity the smaller.
So yes, it has happend before. But I don't know how frequently it happends with minis.